Postpartum Running & Your Pelvic Floor

After a solid 6 months of returning to running & exercise I experienced a pelvic floor flare up that left me completely sidelined. It was excruciating pain and really hard to identify and control. I'm hoping that sharing this can help one of you out there who may (god bless you) be experiencing similar discomfort. 

Here’s the 411 on Pelvic Floor:

  • Your pelvic floor is one of the muscles that forms your “deep” or “inner” core.
  • It supports your bladder, womb (uterus) and bowel (colon).
  • It is connected to your diaphragm, multifidus, and transverse abdominis and can be influenced and affected positively and negatively by tight hips, hamstrings, groin and glutes.

About Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor:

  • You can have a strong pelvic floor and still have issues. But, if you’re pain free, typical exercises for “pre-hab” include kegels, hip and glute strengthening and core work.
  • Sounding counterintuitive, relaxation of the muscles is actually just as important.
  • Learn how to breath into your pelvic floor, expanding and relaxing the muscles.

Signs you may have pelvic floor weakness or dysfunction:

  1. Deep pain in your groin/pelvic region.
  2. Urinary or bladder incontinence. (Do you pee a little every time you sneeze?)
  3. Pain during sex.

What to do if you suspect an issue:

  1. Make an appointment with your OBGYN and get a referral to a PT.
  2. Rest.
  3. Avoid above strengthening exercises until pain subsides.


This article first appeared at Womens Running Magazine Online. Read the full story here

Low Sugar Smoothie

Today's run was "5 miles easy". While the food I choose is really important everyday, i try and pay a bit more attention on lighter days since I'm completely starved on heavy mileage days and often times I'm eating much higher sugar and carbs than i necesarily would otherwise. 

I try and focus my meals on quality protein, high fiber, and fresh whole foods. 

In between my run and The Bar Method class was breakfast so I chose a smoothie that would keep me full and be easily digested. I kept it low in sugar by using avocado in place of a frozen banana.

Do It

1 scoop Vega One Coconut Almond
1/2 frozen avocado
1 chunk frozen fennel
1 tsp matcha powder
almond milk & ice



What It's Really Like To Return To Running Postpartum

"This is a big week. On Monday I went back to work, marking the end of my maternity leave. Just another one of the milestones that I can’t believe I’ve already reached. On Wednesday, my sweet little Nora turns 15 weeks. And, last night I signed up for my first post-baby marathon, and, more importantly, the marathon where I hope to run a Boston qualifier..."